I’m not much on New Year’s Resolutions. If I made ’em, I’d sound like everyone else: lose some weight, etc. For me, resolutions are bad, but goals are good. I have some personal goals in the areas of devotional time with God, family, gardening, etc. But those tend to be of a more private nature, so I won’t clutter up space here with those.
I’ve found that goals for a new year make a lot of sense for me in my writing life. I have a few personal goals In writing areas, here are my top goals for 2010.
Writing: Two complete first draft novels, currently expected to be the first Green Acres novel and a category length romance.
Revising: One of the above novels, hopefully Green Acres.
Contests: Enter the first 15 pages of each of the above novels into the Genesis.
Critiquing: Keep up with my crit group, also crit up to 3 other novels.
Submissions: Dependent on the results of the two that are out right now. Have one of the new novels ready to pitch in 2010.
Conference: Yes, please. I hope. Indianapolis, September
Blogging: Time to find my niche and get into a schedule. Believe it or not, thoughts on that are coalescing, so you’ll be hearing more about that in the next week or two.
What are the keys to making goals work? Breaking them down into bite-sized pieces, first by the month, then by the week, then by the day. And on that cheery note, it’s time to head off to write the 1K of new words that is my goal for today. Admittedly low, but it will take a few days to hit my stride again!
Looks like you’ve got a decent plan. Good luck with everything…conference too.
Very nice goals – I’m sure you’ll do great. You’ve got the right approach. 🙂 Btw what conference is in Sept in Indy?
Thanks, Mar and Dawn! The conference is American Christian Fiction Writers. Last year it was in Denver, and it was my first time going. Awesome 🙂