Who knew that I work best without distraction? It’s been quiet in the shop today, and my chat buddies have mostly been off-line or busy themselves.
I processed 10K on the revision.
Honestly, it was 10K that didn’t need a lot of work, but now I’m right up there where the big changes are staring me in the face. It’s all good.
It’s also time to take stock of where I’ve been and where I’m going. I’ve been doing this project for so long–most of the year–that some of the plan seems murky. Mebbe it’s a good thing I’ve got a weekend coming up to get my thoughts organized for the final swing. I mean, there’s probably about 10K still to go, and much of it will be new, so it won’t get all done in one day. But it’s a lot closer than it was.
Ah…I see. I shouldn’t come online and pester you. Congrats there, Val. That is awesome.
Oh, look at the pretty changing numbers!
I almost didn’t click on the link to your post, thinking “I’ve already read the number post.” LOL Thank goodness for a niggling feeling that it wasn’t the same number!
Hi Valerie,
I’m putting together the blog tour for Tricia Goyer’s A Shadow of Treason, book 2 in the Chronicles of the Spanish Civil War.
Would you like to join the tour?