After today's inauspicious beginning, I tried to recreate Wednesday's words. Of course I couldn't do that, but I have no idea whether what I now have is better or worse than what I had before. And I …
I come into work optimistically thinking I can manage the 2K or however many words it will take me to get done this blinking chapter in *Quest* and discover that somehow I didn't save Wednesday's …
One of those days.
I suspected it might be; in fact I forewarned all of us in yesterday's post. Yes, indeed, the salesman-who-talks was at the shop when I arrived at nine, and he was still there when I left at twelve. …
Moving along
I finally achieved some forward motion in *that chapter* of Quest, with just shy of 1K added today. Chapters in this book run anywhere from 7K to 10K. This chapter is currently pushing 8K, and it's …
“The Woman Who Laughed At God”
Nope, that's not me! That's the name of the book I finished reading today (url is on the sidebar). I did work on *Quest* for a bit this morning, deleting more parts of that chapter and adding some; …
Prayer is good…and needed
As of Monday morning, the foot valve in the water cistern is seized. Thus, no water for me or the cows (of which, at the moment, including babies, there are 31.) I'm pretty easy, came into town and …