Wow, changing gears was SO the right thing to do. I accomplished a lovely 1605 words on *Quest to be Queen* (nano'04) this morning. I'd read through the previous 54K over the past few days, and …
And baby makes five…
Some happy cows and babies... All mothers and juniors are doing well. Five down, thirteen to go. …
A new week in my little world…
I thoroughly enjoyed reading through *Quest to be Queen*, and am quite excited to start writing on it again tomorrow. Even the part that seemed to drag while I was writing doesn't seem so bad nearly …
Desperate Times call for…
Desperate MeasuresThat's why the store is so clean today. The excuse? Unless everything is spotless, it could be hard to know for sure whether there are any more Rustles lurking. The reason? I opened …
two steps back, three steps forward
THAT was productive. I opened up Tuesday's file in *False Perceptions* and remembered why brushing up the first three chapters sounded like such a good idea yesterday. I was stonewalled. Couldn't …
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more about governments, cows and water
I am thrilled to report that Jim was finally able to get enough pressure in the water line last night to blow out the gunk that was clogging it. The cows now have proper water pressure at their …
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