If you love inspirational romance novels, aka Christian contemporary romance novels, I’d like to welcome you to a new site, Inspy Romance.
This is a website and blog I’d hoped to start for the past two years. In November, several like-minded authors of the genre got together and brainstormed up the site as you now see it. I’m thrilled to partner with nearly 30 other authors to talk about inspirational romance and to (hopefully!) create a community of readers.
We’d like to be the go-to place for romance lovers to find new authors and new books to read. You’ll find debut authors as well as seasoned veterans with dozens of titles. You’ll also find a few who are about to spread their wings. Each of us will be blogging once every 5 weeks (give or take).
Together, we’re offering giveaways for our launch. Books galore, some paperback, some digital, and a grand prize to be revealed soon. Every comment enters you.
Come one, come all, and invite your friends! The first round of giveaways ends tomorrow, Saturday, and our regular blogging rotation begins Monday with JoAnn Durgin at the helm.
I’m SO excited to share this site with all of you. What a fabulous time we’re going to have at Inspy Romance.
What a GREAT idea! I hope this really takes off. I’ll definitely let all my friends who read inspy romance know about it.
Thank you, Tracy! I’m delighted to be working with so many talented—and FUN!—ladies over there.