This week’s tour is about Landon Snow and the Island of Arcanum, the third novel in an ongoing series by R. K. Mortenson.
The publisher, Barbour Books, has done a beautiful job on the presentation of this series. Cover and interior illustrations were done by Cory Godbey of Portland Studios; the cover was designed by DogEared Design. The cover captures both a child-like imagination and a traditional tooled design. Inside the book, heavier than average paper provides the look of a classic.
Kudos on an excellent cover!
Remember that you can tell me in comments (on one of the three posts this week about this book) what child you would like to give this book to for Christmas, and one lucky commenter will receive it. I’ll mail it out early next week and only hope it will get where it’s going faster than some other books have been traveling. If you’re not sure I have your email address, stick it in the comment to save some turn-around-time. And if you can’t leave a comment, email me at valerierco AT yahoo DOT ca.