You may remember a couple weeks ago the Christian Science Fiction Fantasy blog tour presented a children’s fantasy novel. The original plan was for the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance tour to pick up the same novel the same week, so those of us in both tours would have been plugging the novel Monday to Friday. That would have been kind of cool, actually, but the CFBA tour was postponed because copies of Landon Snow and the Island of Arcanum were late getting mailed. (What’s ironic of course is that most of the other tour books this fall have been late getting to me–and everyone else)!
Being part of both tours netted me an unexpected dividend: TWO copies of this great book for young readers age 8-12 (or for parents to read aloud). My usual habit is to donate the books to my church’s library, but there’s no point in them having two copies of the same novel by R. K. Mortenson.
So…tell me in comments (on one of the three posts this week about this book) what child you would like to give this book to for Christmas, and one lucky commenter will receive it. I’ll mail it out early next week and only hope it will get where it’s going faster than some other books have been traveling. If you’re not sure I have your email address, stick it in the comment to save some turn-around-time.
Hello Valerie! Just a fellow CFBAer checking out the sights! Had to laugh about us internationals not getting books! Spare a thought for me down under -I have been a member for months now and so far have received one book – A Pagan’s Nightmare!!!And that is not for review until February, I think!!!!!! I’ve decided that standing by my letterbox with a lot of hope hasn’t seemed to help the process:) Blessings!
Well, I tried to come up with something special, but I just can’t manage it. When I read the description of the Landon Snow book, it just seemed like something Jacob would enjoy. And he’s just the type of loyal reader that people love to have. He read DragonSpell by Donita K. Paul and loved it so much that he went out and bought the rest of the series, books that he has now reread several times. Would that I had his energy ;). The main thing is that he was slow to start reading and I like to expand his horizons because he gets into a narrow view of rereading the same books again and again instead of branching out. So when I see something that looks interesting, I think of him.
Gak! You can probably tell it’s way too late and I should be asleep not mumbling on your blog, but there you have it :D.