Can you think of anything good to say about fog? God made it, so I presume it plays a role in the grand scheme of things. From my point of view, it's major depressing when it just hangs in for days on …
A mixed bag today
I'm glad you are enjoying the photo of the calf. She is still the only one, but won't be lonely for much longer I'm sure. We are expecting 17 more over the next couple months or so.We had a very busy …
Yay! It’s Friday again :)
Yesterday I saw another little mouse running around at the store, and we did not manage to lure him into the trap overnight. Now he's got a whole weekend again to be tempted by it. He's been pretty …
Re-visiting 2005 goals
Goals. Pesky little critters, aren't they? (Much like mice in that respect, come to think of it.) Can't live with them, can't live without them. (And that is where the differences begin...)First …
Assorted, much like life…
I know you can hardly wait to read what is going on in my little world.In mousiness, we caught another one last night at the store. I must tell you about Boss Hero #1's mouse trap. He took an empty …
other stuff
Today has not been a day for words. First off, it stopped snowing late yesterday evening, switching to rain, and then freezing. The highway was slippier than all get out this morning, and the streets …