A vindictive goddess. A desperate woman. A reluctant champion. A frantic scramble to flee from MAJAI'S FURY.
Majai’s Fury
Available to read for free in Kindle Unlimited!
A fantasy tale of forbidden romance amid clashing religions and cultures.
Taifa hoped the goddess Majai wouldn’t notice she hadn’t provided a firstborn for sacrifice. But when the king demands Taifa’s life in exchange for the child she has not yet conceived, she knows she is out of time. She seizes the king’s proposal—her life spared if she neutralizes Shanh, the foreigner whose doomsday prophecies infuriate the king.
Secure in Azhvah’s protection, Shanh’s mission looks simple enough: deliver his god’s fateful message then return to his homeland. But when Azhvah allows a conniving woman to weaken the shield, many long-held beliefs are shattered. Can Shanh’s god truly desire to rescue this heathen from the fate she deserves?
Psalm 51:16: “For You do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; You are not pleased with burnt offerings.” (NASB)