It seems I should have more to say here. We’ve been keeping really busy. In fact, yesterday (Wednesday) was our only low key day thus far. It was Jen’s first day of her summer co-op job, and Hanna and I did some laundry and cleaning, watched a movie, and dropped the car off to the VW dealership to get repaired.
Tuesday the girls and I went to Saltspring Island. That required a 45 minute bus ride to the ferry landing, then a 35 minute ferry ride. Once on the island, it was another half hour by bus to the main town where we hung out for about four hours (lots of walking! That day tallied up to 7.9 miles) before setting off on the return journey. Saltspring is a place of arts, crafts, and organics, and one of the main reasons we went was to buy organic heritage vegetable seeds. Sadly the rack was well picked over and we didn’t come away with as many varieties as we’d hoped. Still, we plan to try some of these in the garden this summer.
The girls did a lot of shopping earlier in the week–clothes, fabrics, etc. It’s been fun traipsing around with them, even while I am definitely not attracted to the same styles as they are!
Today looks like rain, and I think Hanna and I will be picking up the car after a bit, then wandering out to do some shopping (’cause we like need more stuff). Well, I guess we’re in need of a bit of groceries at least. There are a few other things we’d been meaning to see/ do while here also. Tomorrow we are planning to see Butchart Gardens (supposed to be mostly sunny tomorrow). And then Saturday our hubbies arrive 🙂 That will be nice.
Anyway, much randomness here. I’m still learning to use this machine and the thought of re-figuring out how to load up photos is a bit daunting. Guess I’d better get that firm in my head while we’re still here, though, and Joel can walk me through it yet again. I have a fair investment now in saying *I can do this*!
Once you learn how to use your Mac, it will daunt you no more! Though I hope you get the chat bit figured out.
Sounds like you’re having a great time. Enjoy the gardens.