It’s been mighty busy around Casa Comer this week with Canadian Thanksgiving and a visit from our daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughters. We do as much as possible with our resident kids and granddaughter to get the whole family together.

This week:
- we celebrated Thanksgiving with extended family
- the girls took the little ones to a nearby fruit stand for a pumpkin photo shoot
- the guys went hunting twice and shot a deer
- the girls went thrift-shopping and out for lunch
- we played on the trampoline
- we had a family photo shoot
- we laughed, talked, made plans and enjoyed time together!
- Sweetened with Honey returned from my editor, ready for me to apply final edits.
- Peppermint Kisses (a short story classed as Farm Fresh Romance 2.5) came back from my critique partner, ready for final edits. If you’re on my newsletter list, you’ll get a link to this freebie soon!
- The first chapter of Dandelions for Dinner came back from two readers with helpful ideas for tightening it. This chapter goes in the back of Sweetened with Honey, in both ebook and paperback.
So, now that the house is quiet again, I have my work cut out for me, getting everything ready for the release of Sweetened with Honey. Watch for it on or before November 3.