But it should be!
Noun: Characters. Like living humans, the characters in our favorite novels come in many shapes and sizes. It’s challenging (ooooh, a C!) to come up with varied personalities, heroes and villains, adults and children, each with goals and motivations of their own. Such fun.
Verb: Create. And with those characters in place, a plot is waiting to be created. This is the part of writing I love the most. God is a Creator, and he made us in his image. We’re made to be creative!
Adverb: Correctly. So many words, parts of speech, plot devices, dialogue rules. It’s hard to remember to use all of them correctly, but that’s (usually) a job for revision, not first draft writing.
Adjective: Curly. Ah, why do so many of my characters have curly hair? Love me some curls.
What are some of your favorite ‘C’ words?
Bonne Friesen says
C is for Cookie!
And Celia, my girl.
And…citadel. It’s just an awesome fantasy word. I use it a lot (but I’ll have to skip it next novel).
Valerie says
Mmmm, cookie…
And why does your next novel not have a citadel in it, Bonne? Inquiring minds want to know!