Care of Creation is an organization that believes that missions and care for God’s creation belong together.
This organization was started by Edward Jones, author of Our Father’s World (which I finished reading a couple of days ago though I reviewed it here last Monday), in 2005, and currently works mainly in Kenya. Their stated goal is “to mobilize the Church to respond to environmental challenges with and through the love of God — and that’s what evangelism and evangelicalism is — or should be — all about.”
Care of Creation has an arm in the USA, where their focus on mobilizing the church to care for creation through seminars, consulting programs with churches, and working with students. In the UK, the organization works mainly on sponsoring tree-planting partnerships between schools there and in Kenya.
Edward says in his book:
Two things jump out at me. First, on the positive side, one of the great challenges of sharing God’s love with people is overcoming their preconceived ideas about him. How much easier when we can let people know that the God we worship loves his world as much as they do–more, in fact–and that he’s the one who put that love for the world in them in the first place.
Second, on the negative side, consider the great damage done when a person who loves God’s creation but doesn’t know him encounters a Christian who says he knows and loves God but shows by his words or actions that he really doesn’t care much for God’s creation.
Have you ever thought of the correlation between Christianity and your attitude towards creation before? How has it affected you?