Years ago I read an article somewhere that said that looking into the distance is good for your eyes. Can I find that study now, or anything like it? The closest is this one: LOOKING INTO THE …
Marisa from SNOWFLAKE TIARA Speaks Out on Beauty
I'd once planned to post monthly on the Journey to Beauty. I see I haven't kept that schedule! But as I take the final steps to format Snowflake Tiara for sale on September first, I've been thinking …
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The Barbie Syndrome
The Journey to Beauty, Part 2 Barbie is just a few months older than I am, but we don't look it. She's held up as the standard of beauty for millions of women and girls, and not. How …
The Journey to Beauty: Ancient History
No one was more surprised than I when my good friend Angela Breidenbach and I chose to write a duo of stories set within a beauty pageant world. We signed the contract in August 2013, the book …
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