Have you read Majai's Fury? Did you get confused where the countries of Nuomor, Ghairlazh, and Evdrika were in relation to each other, never mind where the various cities were? How about the route …
Clashing Cultures
The most fun part of writing Majai's Fury was creating the countries and their cultures…and making sure they had little in common. Taifa is from Nuomor, and Shanh is from Ghairlazh. These countries …
Simple Smile 22
A vindictive goddess. A desperate woman. A reluctant champion. A frantic scramble to flee from MAJAI'S FURY Releasing SOON, which makes me smile. …
Appreciate a Dragon Day
Welcome to Appreciate a Dragon Day! Meet my Resident Dragon. He's been standing watch over the road I live on for a lot of years. I'm not sure what he's waiting for, but he's the Sentinel. Also a …
Pre-Appreciate a Dragon Day
January 16 is the seventh annual Appreciate a Dragon Day. This holiday was begun by Donita K Paul, author of the YA fantasy series, The DragonKeeper Chronicles. And hey, a lot of my buddies are …
Pre-Appreciate a Dragon Day
January 16 is the seventh annual Appreciate a Dragon Day! This holiday was started in 2004 by Donita K Paul, author of the 5-book Young Adult fantasy series DragonKeeper Chronicles. I'd like to …