A few days ago my youngest granddaughter and I visited friends who keep goats. What fun! Bonny has several milking goats, one wether, and two kids. Above, two of the goats are watching a deer …
Hoar Frost
I love when I can write a story in the same season it's set. I'm working hard on getting Berry on Top off to my beta readers, and the story timing is perfect for the weather we've been experiencing …
Gathering Walnuts
Are you nuts about nuts? I don't do a lot of baking these days, but when a recipe calls for nuts, I usually use walnuts. Why? Because we have so many of them! We have a large, mature tree in our …
Making Apple Juice
Team Bride takes place in my fictional British Columbia town, Riverbend, in the fall. One of the things I associate with fall here is making apple juice, so I had to feature it in Team Bride. It's …
The Fall Fair
What says "fall" more than a rural fall fair? You may argue for fallen leaves, bonfires, or canning that last hundred pounds of tomatoes, but a fall fair definitely ranks up there. So when I was …
Life on the Farm ~ September
Too busy to blog? You'd think so, being as I missed last Friday and didn't even realize it until probably Sunday. Oops! But here is a list (partial, I'm sure) of what September is like on the …