If you love inspirational romance novels, aka Christian contemporary romance novels, I'd like to welcome you to a new site, Inspy Romance. This is a website and blog I'd hoped to start for the …
Review: Grounded (a farm lit novel) by Angela Correll
Farm Lit: Today's New Hot Genre Annie Taylor is living the life of her dreams. She's a regular flight attendant on the New York/Rome route and has given notice to her three flight attendant …
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Parenting Teens or Tweens?
Here's a resource I wish I had available 15+ years ago when my kids were teens: Powerline365. This is such a cool concept for parents I don't even know how to begin telling you about it. So, …
Review: Seed Savers: Treasure
Clare tapped the packet lightly, the open end down. Two tiny specks, flat and tear-shaped, fell into her other hand… "Seeds," Clare explained, "make food." "Get out of here!" Lily cried. "You can't …
Review: Becoming Myself by Stasi Eldredge
The stated purpose of Becoming Myself: Embracing God's View of You is to create hope within a woman for change in her life. If we lay down our damaging thoughts about ourselves, God will faithfully …
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Review: ‘L’ is for Lifestyle by Ruth Valerio
What is your lifestyle like? If you live in North America or in Europe, I can make a guess. Sure, it will vary depending on your income and specific location, but most of us (those with regular …
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