I'm so excited to show you the new workstation in my little house! We haven't had a desktop computer in many years. I can't remember how long, actually. Ten years? Maybe longer? Part of the reason is …
The Fall Fair
What says "fall" more than a rural fall fair? You may argue for fallen leaves, bonfires, or canning that last hundred pounds of tomatoes, but a fall fair definitely ranks up there. So when I was …
Fall in Love with a Good Book
If you've been around here for a while, you know that I used to blog several times a week. I also blogged at To Write a Story and, in my heyday, had a column on three additional sites. Early in …
Christmas at the Cathedral
The city of Helena, Montana, will enjoy Christmas at the Cathedral this Sunday evening. How I wish I could be there! When I wrote More Than a Tiara, my half of Snowflake Tiara, I knew Marisa and …
My Invisible Friend
Did you have an invisible friend when you were young? Do (or did) your kids have such a friend? I didn't. I transferred my imagination to paper dolls and real dolls as a preschooler and play-acting …
A Busy Week!
It's been mighty busy around Casa Comer this week with Canadian Thanksgiving and a visit from our daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughters. We do as much as possible with our resident kids and …