I'm glad you are enjoying the photo of the calf. She is still the only one, but won't be lonely for much longer I'm sure. We are expecting 17 more over the next couple months or so.We had a very busy …
Yay! It’s Friday again :)
Yesterday I saw another little mouse running around at the store, and we did not manage to lure him into the trap overnight. Now he's got a whole weekend again to be tempted by it. He's been pretty …
Re-visiting 2005 goals
Goals. Pesky little critters, aren't they? (Much like mice in that respect, come to think of it.) Can't live with them, can't live without them. (And that is where the differences begin...)First …
No more mice! (I hope!)
Goal one is accomplished. Gary (Boss Hero #1) caught four mice in the store over the weekend, so no more Rustle. Can't say I miss the little dude to be honest.I did spend the entire morning scrubbing, …
of death…
In May of 1998, on my birthday, my father died. He was 76, but had been old all my life. Arthritis and a difficult life had combined to make him that way. About a year and a half earlier, he'd had a …
of Mice and Monarchies
3:12 pm. Sigh. Apparently this is not a writing day. So much for the best-laid plans of mice and men.Oh, speaking of mice. A couple of days ago I went into our porch and heard a rustling sound. There …