Chapter 23 of *False Perceptions* is complete at 3472 words, bringing the book's total thus far to just over 60K. Still, I'm not quite meeting my word count goals of 2K per day with yesterday's 1695 …
Wow! Busy day here in my little world!
Welcome to the folks from Faith in Fiction. You are most welcome here. Your ears must have been burning because I've been talking about you for a couple of days. I hope I only said nice things. :DAnd …
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Writing moves aside…
for the afternoon, anyway. In the morning, I got 828 words on *False Perceptions* to finish the chapter I started yesterday. We're at the place in the book where momentum is building and it's too late …
It’s 2:30 in the morning, and I can’t sleep…
Honestly, I WAS asleep, but can't seem to get back. Too many things are buzzing around in my head. I thought maybe I could make note of them while the valerian I just took kicks in. Let's see.Faith in …
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more questions!
I've made a good start on chapter 22, with 2123 words this morning. It's been a quiet day at work, as Fridays often are. This one is also below freezing with a howling wind, so not that many people …
In which one chapter is completed in 2005
Chapter twenty-one of *False Perceptions* is now complete. Okay, that's not completely true, but it's as complete as first draft needs to be. I think there's a bit much showing, but my brain didn't …
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