Do you subscribe to my blog via RSS feed? If so, you need to know about some changes I’ll be making over this weekend, and I’m not certain how they’ll affect you.
I’ve been doing some renovating to the website this week. I’ve added a few buttons down the sidebar, moving several items that had formerly been in my top bar. I still want these links easy to find, but the time has come for their place of prominence to be diminished. I still have some work to do in my Writing Links section, as I can’t seem to get the layout to view correctly, but–once again–I may ignore that section for awhile.
This renovation was to make room for some new links in the top bar. You’ll notice a new ‘speaking’ tab. Yes, it’s true! I’ve begun work on several topics I’d like to speak publicly on. If any of these interest you or your group and you live within a hefty stone’s throw of the Canadian Kootenays, contact me and let’s talk.
But the main issue that will affect you, dear RSS subscriber, is that my blog will no longer load to the front page of my site. I’ll be rolling out a ‘permanent’ front page over the weekend and adding a ‘blogging’ tab to the top bar. I’ve already done this successfully in my test site, so I’m pretty sure I won’t crash the main site doing this housekeeping! So…if Monday comes along and you don’t get an email telling you all about the Letter M, please come back to my site and resubscribe. (And while you’re here, please subscribe to my newsletter!)
Down the road I will make further changes to the new front page–like when I can show off my cover image!–but those won’t affect the RSS feed for you. Just wanted you to know!