At an estimated 15,000 words from the end of my current novel, I’m still loving the process I outlined in this post back in January. The basic gist of Cheryl Wyatt‘s plotstorming method is to do extensive character building, know your story’s major conflict, the pivotal scenes in the plot, and the ending. Then go.
There have been a few times when I’ve lost my way for a few days, sometimes due to issues unrelated to the novel. But I’m getting better at figuring out where I’ve gone wrong before I’ve written ten more chapters. I’m noticing that niggling feeling of being off-base and recognizing the problems.
Sure, I’ve got a running list of things I already know need to be changed earlier in the story, but most of them are relatively minor fixes. Right now, I’m planning to be done this draft by the end of April. I’ll do a read through, then implement the changes I can see (and the ones I discover during the read), and boot the novel out to a crit buddy or two.
I love this story with everything in me. I’m hoping this time, THIS TIME, I’ve nailed it.
Nicole O'Dell says
YAY! You're so close. KUTGW!!!
Bonne says
That sounds awesome, Val! What a sense of satisfaction when your method is really working for you.
Valerie_Comer says
Thanks Nicole and Bonne 🙂
Margaret says
Sounds like you're on a roll, Val :). Fantastic that you're enjoying so much.