Maybe it will when I’ve got five books out, or maybe ten. But tomorrow is a big day for me: the release of my second full-length novel, Wild Mint Tea.
When Rainbow’s End released not quite two years ago, I had nothing else to think about. No other contracts, no other pressing concerns. I could—and did—pour all my energy into blog posts and guest appearances and dancing in the street (well, across the farm, anyway).
I eagerly awaited having more stories contracted. I had big dreams for Raspberries and Vinegar at that time (then known as Domino’s Game), but they were raised repeatedly only to be crushed. One time when my hopes were high, I wrote the second novel on the off chance my dreams would soon be realized.
The rush of holding my first book in my hands in May, 2012? With my name on the front? Nothing compared. Sure, there were three other names, but they were authors I looked up to. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to share a book cover and reviews with them!
And then last May magic happened again when Choose Now Publishing contracted Raspberries and Vinegar and two more books in the Farm Fresh Romance series. We ran through the gauntlet of getting R&V edited, covered, and released in near-record time. For those ten weeks, I thought of little else…other than a slosh of relief that I’d already completed a draft for the second novel!
Once R&V had been successfully launched, I turned my attention to Wild Mint Tea, edited it, and handed it in. In the meanwhile, I’d signed a contract for Snowflake Tiara, which is now written and will be turned in soon (May—it’s a busy month in my world!)
Writing has started on the third Farm Fresh Romance novel, Sweetened with Honey, which, as far as I know, has nothing to do with May in any year. It won’t even take place during springtime months.
For the next few weeks, I’ll revel in sharing Claire and Noel with my readers and growing fan base. Claire is a softer, gentler person than Jo from R&V, and Noel’s issues are very different from Zach’s. This was such a fun book to write, and I hope the same magic revisits when I get deeper into the third story.
March 2014 belongs to Claire and Noel. I’m visiting 11 blogs the first week alone. (I think I’ve turned all those interviews and guest posts in. Whew!) Many more appearances are coming up later in the month and on into April. I’ll be keeping a list here, but also tweeting and sharing on Facebook, so if you’re interested in seeing interviews with Claire, Noel, and me, you’ll be able to find them.
If you haven’t pre-ordered your copy of Wild Mint Tea yet, you’re about out of time! The book goes live “everywhere” tomorrow.
I can’t wait. I hope you love it as much as I do.
Tracy Lee Karner says
Congratulations, Valerie! How exciting! I love the series idea: Farm Fresh Romance. Inspiring and wholesome (two of my favorite things!)
Valerie Comer says
Yay! Thanks, Tracy! Those are some of MY favorite things, too. 🙂