Is everything about the books *perfect*? No. I saw quite a few typos that threw me out of the story–along with way too many words italicized. Which is interesting because my critiquers complain about that in my stuff. So I guess I’m starting to learn to see it! Other little things like repetitive word issues threw me for a few times. I’ll admit, though, that the first few chapters (of each book) were the worst. That may not be an absolute fact, but just that I stopped noticing once the stories swallowed me whole. Because they did.
Robin Parrish is the author of Relentless and Fearless (and the upcoming series finale: Merciless). But who is he? The book jacket has this to say:
For years Robin Parrish has covered the world of Christian culture–music, books, film, comics, and more–as a journalist. Currently he serves as the founder and editor-in-chief of Infuze Magazine, a cutting edge online magazine positioned at the intersection of art, culture, and faith. He and his wife live in North Carolina.
Robin blogs here. I’d hoped to have a Q&A with him but I guess I hopped on the bandwagon too late. And as it is, I have to be out of town on Wednesday so I’m popping this up last minute (for me.)
GarthTrekker says
It’s still Tuesday! lol Great series of posts. Just passing through the tour sites. Lyn from Bloggin’ Outloud
chrisd says
You did a great job, Val! See you when you get back!
Eve says
Hi Val,
Funny I got so caught up in the story that I didn’t even notice the typos. What stood out to me. Was. This.
Daniel I Weaver says
It’s so hard for writers to read and review without getting absorbed in the glitches. Passive voice. Type-o’s. Repetition. But a great story makes those things go away for even the most resilient writer. It sounds like Robin pulled you in too.
God Bless,