After a week of vacation and a couple of weeks working on a *secret project* to be announced here in a few weeks time, I am finally back in the saddle with editing Marks of Repentance. A year ago a border guard waltzed into my story and made a much broader statement than I’d expected him to. He hinted at previous links with the heroine, Taifa, but didn’t explain much. He didn’t even have a name, though after awhile typing *the border guard* got a bit tedious. Today I revised him and gave him a name, Huidsor. He’s begging me for a part in the sequel, Children of Sacrifice, that is somewhere on my to-be-written pile. My TBW pile is trying to grow as tall as my TBR pile. For an all-time high, I believe there are three novels and a nonfiction begging at the moment to be next in line.
First things first. Marks needs to be done by the end of next week, along with my current novel critique. Then I need to focus on my website again, get it up and running. It’s been sitting unfinished too long…along with many other things. Summer. This year it seems to be attacking me. Would someone please call it off?
No way I’m calling it off. If it’s after you, I might get a breather. 😛
Wow! You seem to be inundated with adventure! Congrats. {{{hugs}}}
In case you all care, Hanna is my daughter, and really, you WANT to go read her first blogger entry. Honest.
Not only have you been editing, but you’ve been rearranging the furniture around here, too. Love the new design. I liked the old one, but these colors are gorgeous.
And of course we care about Hanna. Off to check out her blog.
Or maybe it’s the whale addling my thinking. 🙂 The text was easier to read with the other color scheme.
Thanks for the comment, Jean. I threw the whale up spur of the moment and he kinda stuck, but I don’t know how long he will last. (At the moment, the important thing is not to forget how to change it around!)
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