Once upon a time, about two years ago, the CSFF blog tour talked about DragonKnight by Donita K Paul. I joined in here and here.
The problem then was that I’d bought the first two books in the series, DragonSpell and DragonQuest in preparation for the blog tour for the third book. I read the two books, blogged about them, but DragonKnight never arrived. Though I liked the stories, they’re Young Adult and I’m not, and my life went on and I read many other books, and I forgot that I hadn’t read the third book in the DragonKeeper Chronicles until the blog tour for the last book in the series, DragonLight, was announced.
A few weeks later I had a few minutes to spare in Hastings in Couer d’Alene, Idaho, saw a Donita K Paul book I hadn’t read, grabbed it and bought it. Thought, “Aha, I will now read the intervening book and be ready when my copy of the final one arrives in the mail.”
Small problem that I discovered as soon as I started reading it: it didn’t make sense. Yes, it had been two years since reading the other two, but I thought I’d remember if *this* major a change in the characters’ lives had been hinted at in the second book.
Turns out I’d bought Book FOUR, DragonFire and that the book tour was going to feature book FIVE, DragonLight.
I was still missing Book Three. The series is five books long, not four. Time was running out, and I wasn’t getting anywhere near a store that might carry DragonKnight, so I ordered it in via InterLibrary Loan. By now Donita K Paul’s books are all over BC Libraries (they weren’t two years ago!) and so it arrived and I read it. I’ve also now read book four, but the fifth book is on my bedside table, yet unread. And of course it is the one due for this week’s tour.
Dilemma. What to do? I can only read so fast, and this summer has been busier than most recent ones with hubby living at home again, Hanna and Craig home for the summer, and the new puppy.
So here’s the deal. Tomorrow we’re going to look at Book Three, DragonKnight and Wednesday I’ll post about the fourth book,
None of which are the books I’m *supposed* to talk about this week. However, in a couple weeks the CFBA tour is also blogging about DragonLight, so I’ll catch the final installment book then.
Whew. I have a plan.
If you just can’t wait a couple weeks for me to read DragonLight and review it, check out what these folks are saying about it:
Brandon Barr, Justin Boyer, Jackie Castle, Karri Compton, CSFF Blog Tour, Gene Curtis, Stacey Dale, D. G. D. Davidson, Jeff Draper, April Erwin, Karina Fabian, Beth Goddard , Mark Goodyear, Andrea Graham, Todd Michael Greene, Katie Hart, Christopher Hopper, Joleen Howell, Jason Joyner, Carol Keen, Magma, Terri Main, Margaret, Shannon McNear, Melissa Meeks, Rebecca LuElla Miller, John W. Otte, Deena Peterson, Steve Rice, Cheryl Russel, Ashley Rutherford, Chawna Schroeder, James Somers, Robert Treskillard, Steve Trower, Speculative Faith, Laura Williams
Well, I say you’re going above and beyond the call of duty for participation in the blog tour, Valerie! I had to smile as I read your reaction to starting DragnFire thinking it was book 3 because I know exactly what event you hadn’t realized had taken place.
It’s interesting to read what CSFF’ers are saying. Thinking about my own review, I considered saying how stand-alone this series is. But as I read others comments, I’m re-evaluating that. Could be I’m unaware just how much I gained in background and familiarity with the characters by having read the other books.
As far as the series goes, I don’t think it would be completely impossible to read one without the previous one, but why? There is a lot of building in any series, so even if it’s physically possible to read them out of order, it seems pointless! Especially being as they’re YA.
I’ve just read DragonLight without having read any of the others in the series, and I didn’t have any problems with it although I’m sure I’ll pick up a lot of background stuff when I read the rest of the series.
I didn’t realize it was a ‘YA’ (children’s) book when I read it. I’m not a ‘YA’ myself, more of an OAC (old and crabby).
Valerie, I’ve enjoyed reading around in your blog, especially about your progress with ‘Tempest’.
God bless you,
I know exactly how you feel. A while back my SIL gave me books 1-3 that she really enjoyed. It was only after I found out about the tour for book 5 that I jumped into reading them. I liked book 1 and loved book 2 and now I’m reading book 3. I cannot find a copy of book 4 anywhere! It’s been on a request through interlibrary loan for me since November of last year and it still hasn’t arrived. I plan to buy it, but money is so tight, it’s just rough. But I can relate, as I have book 5 sitting here, and I just cannot do it without book 4. *sigh*
See my thoughts on the earlier books and various things this week of DKP at Creative Madness cherryblossommj dot blogspot dot com.
Thanks for stopping by, Nissa. A well written YA book works for me sometimes, though I do like a bit more depth and maturity than is often shown.
Hugs, CherryBlossom. If you lived next door, I’d loan you Book 4. It’s just sitting here…I can see it…Sorry!
LOL, I’d say this is a very sensible approach, oh yes!