May I say how proud I am of my daughter and son-in-law? Lots of people talk the talk, but they are walking the walk. My beautiful granddaughter, SweetPea, is wearing AppleCheeks reusable cloth diapers.

Here is my daughter’s post (about a month pre-birth) about the choice they made, including a couple of photos of SweetPea’s drawer-full of covers and liners, ready to go! (I painted that dresser the week before–go Gramma!)
Even when Hanna and her brother were born, most of the ‘civilized’ world had switched to disposables. We couldn’t afford them, and even then, we didn’t think they were a good idea anyway. It just went against our grain to throw so many diapers in the trash when there was a more environmentally sound option. And that was in the day where diapers were a huge piece of fabric you folded up to fit the baby’s bottom, then pinned in place.
It’s certainly easier–to say nothing of cuter!–nowadays, but still many new parents resist this very simple way to make their baby more comfortable and help the planet at the same time. I’m so happy that this was a non-discussion-item at my daughter’s house. She told her husband, “You do know we’ll be using cloth diapers, don’t you?” and he answered, “Of course, what else would we do?”
He has changed plenty of AppleCheeks on SweetPea in the two weeks since her birth, and I’ve changed as many as I could when at their house. The snap covers are simple and stylish. If there’s a new baby coming into your life, check out this company and/or other reusable diapering systems. Keep your baby comfy and make a difference!
Any reasons you can think of FOR disposables? Maybe my daughter or I can answer some questions for you if you’re undecided.
Such a cute picture!! 🙂
We call Megan, Apple Cheeks!
Reason for disposables…I was daunted by the thought of trying something unfamiliar to me when I had triplets on the way. I kinda wish I'd have given it a go.
Nicole, she's our first so we hadn't ever gotten used to disposables 🙂
We used cloth for our boys back when it really wasn't popular. One trip we went on there was a duffle for our clothes and stuff, and another just full of diapers. But it turned out for the best because the few times we used disposables, they produced instant rashes. Not cool.
I just wanted to say Congratulations and catch up on your blog. Hi!!!!!!
I seriously considered cloth for the twins for economic reasons. Then I considered the amount of laundry I already had to do, then factored in diapers, and it made me want to cry. Also, at the time we were ina severe drought and were on water restrictions, so I opted for disposables.
When I was little and my family were foster parents we always used cloth. I remember helping my mom with the pins and such. But they were able to use a linen service to clean them. I had even looked into that, but it was too expensive.