You know how sometimes you think you know what’s coming next? Life is predictable but not boring. It’s pretty good, in fact.
That was last week.
You know how sometimes a 180 degree pivot feels like you’re going backwards? I mean, that’s what the symbol refers to, isn’t it? But you know how other times, that About FACE! is actually a good thing?
That’s this week.
I’m basically a cautious person and don’t feel the need to do something different just to prove it can be done. It took a lot of time and nerve to decide to self-publish my fantasy novel, Majai’s Fury, which is (still) coming soon. I was pretty comfy writing my Farm Fresh Romance series for Choose Now Publishing.
But, things have changed at CNP. I no longer have contracts for my upcoming books. I have the opportunity to reclaim the rights to Raspberries and Vinegar and Wild Mint Tea. I have 13,000 words of the third book written. My novella for Snowflake Tiara is written and ready for final edits. The cover is nearly complete.
I understand why my friend and publisher Nicole had to make the choice she did. It’s not personal and isn’t being taken as though it were. We knew, going in, that business was separate. In fact, I will continue to work for her on a a freelance basis.
But my fiction? Is now taking wings on its own. Two years ago I couldn’t contemplate an indie publishing career. Now, I’m facing one. On the inside, I’ve been there for a few months, but this week, my reality has caught up.
It’s an interesting time to be an author. I totally believe there’s never been a better time (unless it was two years ago). I’m excited to embrace this new reality, and I hope you’re excited to see what’s in store.
We’ve done a reversal. My career has done an About FACE! And I’m eager to see where the road leads from here.
(PS, if you leave a comment and I don’t reply, it’s not because I’m moping in a dark room. Hubby and I are relaxing by a creek somewhere, a little vacation planned for weeks. It’s all good!)
Wow. That sounds interesting.
That would be one way to put it! But yes. Definitely interesting. And a whole lotta kinda fun. I hope.
Good luck with your impending indie launches!
Thanks, Erin! It’s going to be fun. And a bit stressful. But fun.
I think I missed the part of the writing life that isn’t stressful. 😉
Oh, was that a different memo with limited distribution?
May this decision bear fruit and fun. And stress is how you know you’re alive :).
Too true lol. Thanks!