So, this is the moment I announce my intentional insanity for 2015. I have to tell you I’m not completely certain this is doable, but this is what I’m aiming for:
Publish 3 novels and 5 novellas in 2015.
While it is true that one novel, Dandelions for Dinner, is written, the goal is to write a novel in late 2015 that won’t be released until early 2016, so it’s not like that gets me off the hook.
The Farm Fresh Romance series will be complete in 2015 (Lord willing and the creek don’t rise).
Also, Wild Mint Tea, Sweetened with Honey, and Snowflake Tiara are all planned to go to audiobook in 2015. (Check out the sample of the audio for Raspberries and Vinegar in the sidebar. It’s off to a good start in sales!)
The Riverbend Romance Novella series will roll out with five novellas in e-book only, perhaps compiled into one paperback at the end. The first story, Secretly Yours, is mostly written and will release in early February.
Am I crazy? Quite possibly. Can I pull this off? I really don’t know, but I’m going to give it my best shot and go from there. I can’t tell you what I’ll drop if I get behind, because it depends on when in the year that happens!
You might wonder why I’m sprinkling a novella series between the longer works. There are a few reasons.
• I need occasional breaks from all the togetherness on Green Acres Farm.
• More frequent releases help an author stay visible in the algorithms.
• I’d like to experiment with exclusivity on Amazon with shorter pieces.
Oh wait. I have more goals in the box set department, but I’m not willing to reveal the details at this time. Rest assured it/they won’t require writing any new material that is not on the above lists.
What about you? Do you set goals you’re not certain you can reach, or do you stick to safe ones? Tell me about your goals for 2015!