To Muse or Not to Muse…
As a writer, I often hear about muses and whether or not they exist. Most of the references I hear are comical, and lighthearted, not serious. I think every writer has something they depend on, or at least like to think they depend on, for that creative genius.
For me? It’s Diet Coke, and candy Nerds.
Sometimes it works. Othertimes it just an excuse to chomp while writing =)
Between editor’s revisions, critique partner’s suggestions, craft-book or conference workshop teachings, writing can overwhelming. Its very hard to be creative and inspiring with a million rules or no-no’s running through our heads on repeat. In those cases, it seems our “muse” is permanently hiding under the covers!
But I’ve found that prayer, a short break, and a favorite comfort (food, drink or otherwise) will usually bring her back out. Also, what helps is distraction. Don’t procrastinate to the point of jeopardizing your productivity, but take that break and do something productive elsewhere. Maybe with a household chore or a phone call that needs to be made or an email that needs to be sent. Accomplishing something, anything, even on a small scale, can bring back the flow we need to finish our story/deadline.
Truly, the one guaranteed “muse”, the one sure-fire way of getting past writer’s block or other obstacles in our path as writers, is prayer. As a Christian author, I write for the Lord. So why shouldn’t I ask for His input and help? My writing will only be better with it. And more often than that, my writing flat out stinks without it! Who can relate to that? lol
So seriously, enjoy your brain food, justify that Starbucks latte or your pile of chocolate bars all you need to. Just remember where–make that Who–your words ultimately come from. Then ask for divine blessing and keep tapping away on that keyboard!!!
Betsy St. Amant lives in Louisiana and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. Her contemporary romance RETURN TO LOVE is under contract with Steeple Hill Love Inspired for a July 2009 release, and the sequel A VALENTINE’S WISH is contracted for a February 2010 release. Betsy has also been published in the Christian Communicator magazine and Praise Reports: Inspiring Real Life Stories of How God Answers Prayer. One of her short stories, Kickboxing or Chocolate, appears in a Tyndale compilation book, and she is also multi-published through The Wild Rose Press. Betsy has a B.A. in Christian Communications and regularly contributes articles to Betsy is a wife, author, new mother, and avid reader who enjoys sharing the wonders of God’s grace through her stories.
Betsy, even as a child (I knew her in the diaper stage of life), was just one of those Christian children you knew would stay close to the Word of God. I saw her occasionally, seeming to grow from girl to tomboy to womanhood and new mother hood overnight. And thru it all, she has remained a committed true Christian. I know that her mother, Jennifer and her grandmother, Marie are so proud of what she has accomplished. Her future star is looking very bright in the world of Christian fiction.