Big talk here about being a writer, and I’ve been stalled for weeks. I refuse to call it writer’s block, because mostly it’s not. Some days the problem has been sheer laziness, other days it’s exhaustion (yesterday, for instance), sometimes it’s been distraction (lots of that), and a few days it’s even been because I had *real* work. But it’s been SOMETHING far too many days in a row now. My good habits have gone down the drain, and it’s time to go dredging them back. I’ll give them a shower and a good scrubbing, maybe a haircut, and see if they are willing to serve once again. If not, I’ll have to go hunting new ones.
I did pull 660 words today on *Quest*, but that’s not a lot considering how much time I wasted. Aargh.
Have you noticed my patient act? I’m getting pretty good at it, but I’m falling out of character here.
Hope the writing picks up for you soon, and starts flowing again more naturally, although over 600 words is nothing to sneeze at! To me, reading your blog, it looks like you are making steady progress on all fronts still! Praying that your ultrasound goes well Thursday, and glad they’ve got the machine back working again! 🙂
/me whaps you upside the head!
Val, you work essentially two jobs and write as well. Not only is 600 a goodly amount (I know you’ve done better but you won’t always) but you may even have worn yourself out by all those 2k+ days. Set reasonable goals like 500 a day and be happy when you succeed rather than beating yourself up when you don’t make NaNo levels every day always.
/me whaps you upside the other side of your head. What Margaret said!
Ouch! /me has a headache from all the whapping!
You don’t understand how much time I’m frittering away. Really. My writing is *simultaneous* to my day job, and the farm work only takes an hour or two a day on top of that. The farm time isn’t writing time, though. The day job time IS.
Anyone got a tylenol? I don’t know how I’m supposed to get words at all if I keep getting smacked around like this…