But even so, I have to show off the youngest of my eleven great-nieces and nephews.
My littlest great-nephew, only five weeks old!
It was good to see my eldest nephew, his wife, and their three kidlets this weekend, as we hadn’t seen them since their five year old was this tiny. So there was another picnic at the park, more playing in the lake with little ones, more pushing on swings, and a whole lot more photos. I’ll spare you the rest 🙂
Today’s big news is finally getting that article emailed out about mid-morning. I’m so glad I had some time on Saturday afternoon to completely rewrite and reorganize what I had; it’s much tighter and stronger now. I got a chapter and a half critted this morning, and the afternoon finally belonged to revising False Perceptions again. I moved another 2k to the good side (or at least the better side) of the ledger, but there is still a long way to go. Still, if I remember correctly, I’m a few chapters away from the next real problem spot so things should be fairly smooth in the interim.
Now we just need a few more days of sunshine to get the second cut of hay baled and off the field. It will be a huge relief when haying is done for the summer, and Jim actually can choose what to do on his four days off. It’s been pre-selected ever since he started working up there two months ago. Next year shouldn’t be as bad because he’ll be able to take some days off if he needs them; this year we pretty much had to work within the set parameters.