Just before noon today I hit *send* on the emails bearing Marks of Repentance off to my critiquers.
After completing the last thirty pages of editing that I’d had to leave yesterday, I ran a few *find* functions. Two were for *minute* and *hour*. Hey, I found WAY more of those than I would have guessed! I also inserted several paragraphs in a couple of places for a tad of foreshadowing I’d missed. Then I ran spell check. For some reason I’ve never gotten around to setting up special dictionaries for my projects. I can see it would be a huge help! I had some interesting typos on some of the location and character names, as well as a few on *normal* English words that I really should have caught in the edits. Oh well. Now it is up to the critters to see what I missed and how the whole thing hangs together. I don’t expect to have it back from everybody for a couple months or so.
What to do with my time?
Two of the three crits are back on False Perceptions. I’m planning to wait for the third before taking out a fine-tooth comb and going through them. I’ve read enough of the first two to know that I don’t know what I’ll be doing to it next. The four months’ worth of rewriting didn’t solve all its problems to be sure. So that’s kinda frustrating.
I could get back to the worldbuilding for my new Christian fantasy project, Puppet Prince. It’s the 2 year novel (2yn) that I’ve been ignoring for several months now. I think it’s going to be a fun project; it has some solid skeleton already in place.
For the next few weeks I’m planning to concentrate on getting my website operational and my secret project up and running. Then I have a week’s holidays in early August. Maybe by then the project will be ready to roll (generating some of its own steam) and I’ll go back to Puppet Prince.
For now, that sounds like a good plan. Good plans are always subject to change.
All this mystery…
Do I get the family insider’s information?