Not every city has a mountain in its midst that doubles as a park with hiking trails and as a 360 overlook accessible by car, but Victoria, BC, Canada, does. It’s Mount Douglas, more commonly known as Mount Doug.
The Mount Doug Park starts on the east side of Vancouver Island and includes the summit of the mountain, plus most of the rocky outcroppings immediately surrounding it. I’ve hiked up to the monument at the top a couple of times and love the view of the city, the ocean, and beyond.
I loved it so much I had to include a scene in Petals and Pedals, my current work-in-progress, where my characters also spend time in this park. Tristan, a semi-pro cyclist, wants to bike to the top. Personally, I think he’s crazy but, the fact is, that some people do it, so why shouldn’t he?
Here are some views from the top:

Does your favorite city have a great look-out? Do you enjoy looking down on metropolitan areas from the midst of nature?
Awesome, Valerie. We live on a hill in Southwestern VA, and look out over a valley and up at the mountains. Minutes from a few mountain view look-outs.
Glad you enjoyed, Zoe! Isn’t there something special about look-outs?
Lovely vistas where you are, Valerie! I think overlooking the valley’s would be a beautiful place to live all the time.
We spent a lot of weekends this summer driving and hiking around NC. I linked up a post from in June. It’s too cold to hike now, for me anyway 🙂
I messed up the Linky Name :/ I should have said M is for Mountain Climbing!
After being away all day, I’m home now and should have a chance to follow the linkies! Can’t wait to see yours.
I agree-I’d love to live on a mountain top. At least until the first big storm! Maybe I’d settle for halfway up. . .
I so want to visit!
Me too. I haven’t been there for several years. Miss it. Miss the ocean.
Beautiful, Valerie. I can see spending tons of time up there just admiring the view.
I agree, Ginger! The destination is worth the journey.