Have you read Majai’s Fury? Did you get confused where the countries of Nuomor, Ghairlazh, and Evdrika were in relation to each other, never mind where the various cities were? How about the route Pidael took from the Pebbles of Majai or the route Shanh and Taifa took upon escaping Uzaino?
Well, help is here. I’ve had a rough sketch of the Lands of Azhalawar since the early days of writing Majai’s Fury, but finally took the time to create a map I was willing to share.
I also have a map for the area east of this one, but I don’t think it is of value for anyone but me, unless I decide to write more books set in this world. And that is kind of up to you, because I need to see strong sales and a demand for more before investing the better part of a year to bring a sequel to the public.
So…no pressure! But that’s where it’s at…
Hanna Sandvig via Facebook says
Craig will be happy, he loves maps in books (well, who doesn’t?)
Valerie Comer via Facebook says
Maps are pretty useful things, I think!
Hanna Sandvig via Facebook says
Especially for fantasy worlds
Valerie Comer via Facebook says
Indeed. So this is a basic map. I don’t have fancy tools to up the coolness factor, but it gets the job done.
marfisk says
Pretty much how I pictured it :). And you know my opinion, one I’ve shared with others. However, what I’m learning is you might not want to take the stand on book 1 as many won’t touch it without clear evidence of a book 2.
Valerie Comer says
I understand, Mar, but it still has to wait its turn! I’m trying to be systematic here! 😉
marfisk says
Yeah, I hear that :). My systematic had to be shifted though to reflect that reality. You don’t have the same issue since you have a series out already.