I’ve done the read-through of Marks of Repentance and the spell check and all that fun stuff, and discovered one little scene missing, which I’ll write and tuck in within the next couple of days. I’ve promised a few people they could read this version and I’m not sure who. Er…sorry. If it was you, please email me and I’ll get it off to you by mid-week.
I completed another big project today, the crit of Selkie for Mar. Much as I like both her novel and mine, I’m very excited to leave those files closed and open different ones.
Jean‘s a bad influence on me. She was sharing bits of her Nano-novel with me the other day and we were chatting about how bad a house could get if ignored. Well, for Nano ’05 I wrote an inspirational romance that I’ve been gleefully ignoring ever since, remembering all the issues with the story. But because I thought I remembered some fun scenes where the male mc, Dean, deals with his house and his 12-year old twins, I opened the file.
So now it’s in Jean’s hot little hands, and she is ZIPPING at the Nano finish line. Not just so she can read this unnamed, unedited, very rough novel, I’m sure. But now I’ve read the darn thing through myself from beginning to end and I’m curious what she thinks. I have the next two revision projects lined up already. As well as a writing one. I don’t really want my apple cart upset. It would be nice if I could revise a novel in less than ten months, I guess. And being as these two (three? 😛 ) are pre-critique revisions, they will go faster. Next round, after somebody besides me has actually looked at them in the cold light of day–THAT round goes much slower.
But still, do I really want to write romances? Do I have ideas for more of them?
I was going to read this version of the book Val!
I don’t know where you find the time!
Do I know this story? It sounds vaguely familiar…sniff. Of course I notice you won’t let me read squid girl.
Remember I write at work, Chris! And my kids have left home. And my hubby’s only around half the time.
Maripat, squid’s on the list. Really she is…
I don’t know if you want to write romances or not, but you’d do very well if you decided to.
I read it from beginning to end without stopping yesterday. I sent comments on your gmail account — not sure how often you check it. Loved the book.
:blush: Thanks, Jean.