Writing wise, I feel like a hamster on a wheel. More working on False Perception’s revision plan; the novel is approximately half analyzed. Which isn’t quite the same thing as half planned, unfortunately, nor the same thing as half re-written. See, I’m still complaining about it!
I’m also still complaining about trying to keep Jhonal and the rest of the cast from my newest novel, Puppet Prince, from taking over the world. Something brand new and unsullied sounds so fun right now, compared with trying to repair the obviously imperfect. Even telling myself that this one won’t be a perfect first draft either does little to dampen my enthusiasm. I don’t KNOW it won’t be perfect, after all. Perhaps seven is the perfect number, and my seventh novel will be perfect. It’s still all possible. In theory, anyway.
In other news, my hubby seems to think that 2006 is the year of the addition on the house. I’d thought we were a couple years away still, but he wants to start getting quotes and analyzing costs in hopes of a 2006 project. So I’m buckling my brain down to drawing plans, one of my favorite past-times. I’m not sure I actually believe him yet! We’ve talked some rough ideas over the five years we’ve lived here (in Canada’s ugliest and least designed house and almost the smallest), but now we need to make sure we’re on the same page as to what functions the new area will be best used for. I *am* excited, even while I try not to be, but then he tells me I CAN be…I’m confused, but drawing!
Karenee says
Woohoo! A guest room, and a swimming pool, and an office, and a craft room, and a pantry, and a walk-in closet, and a… um… grand entry hall, and… uh… a… cozy study…
Ok, so I like house plans too.
Sounds fun!
Karenee says
So if I send you money and an envelope, will you send me coffee crisps?
Jean says
Darn, Karenee, I thought were offering to pay for that addition you proposed! 🙂
Good luck with the addition plans. I hope everything works out.
Karenee says
LOL I would if I had the cash! *Tries to imagine an entry hall on the current residence.* You know, Val, you’d have lots of room for company.
Valerie Comer says
Thanks for the good wishes, Jean.
And Karen…you may be getting a *leetle* over the top here? 😉 We’ll skip the swimming pool (we just don’t have the climate for it) but you’d be surprised what all can still fit in.
Coffee crisps, you say? How big a box do you want?!
Karenee says
Weeeell… That kinda depends on how much shipping costs up there. I’ll email you with an amount, and you can tell me what it’ll get me.
BTW, for all you observers, if you ever have a chance to try Coffee Crisps, then do so. They’re yummy! I’d almost forgotten till I visited Canada this summer… but now I’m getting cravings.
fiorinda says
How fun! I love house plans. Are you getting “a room of your own?”