The past couple of summers have been much drier than this one, which has its ups and its downs. On the plus side, when its dry we don’t get a lot of mosquitoes. I must have killed over fifty last night before I could get to sleep. I’m going to have to check the screens this morning; apparently something somewhere is not tight enough to keep them out.
It rained Friday night, and most of Saturday, which means that we still have nearly a thousand bales in the field (of over 3000). It’s raining right now. I wish it would drown the mosquito larvae!! Jim’ll be back in a few days, so hopefully it will clear up and dry out enough to get them off then.
Know what’s annoying? I vaguely remember dreaming about my novel last night, and am convinced I dreamed the ending of the story. Do you think I can remember any of it? Of course not.
I hate it when I dream or think of parts of my book then can’t remember them. It’s so annoying.
I hope you can get your hay taken care of–rain really makes that tough to do.