Today’s chapter was 3088. And I’m exhausted.
Nano total — 23129
Friday was unusually busy at work, so I didn’t get my scenes finished. Got things wrapped up today (my nano day off) for a two-day total of 3126.
I’m off on a three day weekend in honor of Remembrance Day, so may not have new totals to display until Tuesday. See you later!
Reader Interactions
Nano total: 11344
2830 today, but there isn’t a snippet. I just squeezed the words under the time-wire and I’m not really fond of the chapter. I’m thinking too much telling, not enough showing, but figuring that out is a job for after November.
Hope you are all faring well…
Reader Interactions
Good for you, Val!
You da man, val! LOL!
Good for you. I’m about 3000 words behind you but all in all I’m thrilled and thankful!
Love from chrisdd
Hi, Val!
congrats! You won the free book from my blog contest… I tried emailing you through the email on your webpage, but it bounced back. So please send me your mailing address, and I’ll get the book “Real Women Scrap” by Tasra Dawson to you! -
Woohoo! Consider it sent, Sharon…
Yaaay, VAL!!! Great job.
Oh, oh, oh! I wants to know more of the sssstorieeeee! *pleading look*
Ok, so I’ll be patient. It’s not as thought I don’t have three +1 distractions…+ another that’s full of lots of stuff that needs dusting and vacuuming.
May my inner editor regain its sight!