Did you know I write a monthly column at Nicole O’Dell’s website called “On Being Green?” I get to talk about the intersection of Christianity and the environmental movement to parents of teens.
Wow, I can’t think of anyone busier! The audience ranges from green-aware parents (or whose kids are!) to people who don’t care, or who don’t even have time to think about it. Others think any change will require too much time and effort, so they choose to do nothing at all. With all that in mind, I try to provide tips and inspiration for smaller steps and thinking steps.
Just as much fun is being a guest on Nicole’s show, Parent Talk. You can subscribe to Parent Talk on iTunes.
Nicole has a lot of columns–I’m only one of her writers and radio guests. The columns range in topic from fashion to spiritual warfare, so if you’re the parent of a teen (or even if you’re not!) you’ll find something of interest.
Bonus! She also has columnists writing for teens who also participate on their own radio show.
Nicole O’Dell is the author of various fiction for teen and tween girls as well as the Hot Buttons interactive guides for parents. She has a heart for helping teens make good choices, using the various tools at her disposal. Pop her name into search here on my site and find some of the book reviews and interviews I’ve done with her.
Diana Lesire Brandmeyer says
I didn’t know that. You do get around. 🙂
Valerie Comer says
I try!
retha says
‘Just as much fun is being a guest on Nicole’s show’ Seems you are able to make very busy fun too.
Valerie Comer says
Some of these things are mostly in my control. If I didn’t find blogging at Nicole’s fun, I wouldn’t do it! But it’s a great place to meet people I wouldn’t have come across without her “introduction” as it were.