Sweetums darling? Would you mind ever so much dropping a wee tiny hint next time you decide to steal the ice scraper out of my truck in the middle of a snowstorm, leaving me…er…stuck? With an inch thick layer of ice on the windshield and nothing with which to remove it? It’s not that I begrudge you the scraper. I know you have ice and snow in that far off land where you work and park your car in a garage, but I could have borrowed the neighbor’s scraper last night while they were still awake rather than waking the poor retired folk up at the crack of dawn today. Just a thought for future reference, honey pumpkin muffin…
why don’t you have two scrapers?
Oh, my. I have the same question Hanna has.
Cough. I’m so glad you kept it nice. And why don’t you have two scrapers?
Probably the answer to that is that we bought the car in June and that it *somehow* failed to acquire its own scraper in the meanwhile. Does that mean the previous scraper went with the old car? I have no idea. Maybe the dog ate it. Wait, we have no dog. Um…that’s the best I can do.