Late last summer I heard about an upcoming contest hosted by Tosca Lee, whose debut novel Demon: A Memoir was released in June 2007. When announcing the contest, she said that people had begun asking her if she could put in a good word for them with her agent, Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency. Tosca decided to run a contest, and Joyce agreed to look over the winning proposal. The deadline for entry was November 15.
This gave me something to shoot for when completing revisions on Marks of Repentance, which, as you may recall, I spent most of 2007 doing. The deadline pushed me through market analysis, synopsis, pitch, the whole works (thanks to everyone who helped critique these, by the way!!). When it went out my email box, I heaved a sigh of relief and turned my attention to Quest to Be Queen.
Every once in awhile I wondered what was happening with the contest, but I was very busy in early ’08 and didn’t have a lot of time to dwell on the proposal’s fate. In late February I heard from Tosca with the grand news that my proposal was the winner! There were a few things that needed to be ironed out before the official announcement would be made. She has now posted the results on her website.
I’ve gotten general praise from both Tosca and Joyce, though it’s far too early to tell if this win is a major step towards publication or just an entertaining and confirming side trip. Either way, I wanted to share the news with all of you!
(Saying it everywhere because this is so exciting!)
Fabulous news, Val.
That is absolutely fantastic news. I really enjoyed reading Marks and can’t wait to hear what Joyce says!
Grin! Well deserved and wonderful that she had the taste to realize it.
Yay! Congratulations! Well done. I’m so proud of you.
Oh yeah, Val! Congrats!