It’s about you. It’s about helping you find information that meets your needs, whether they be physical, emotional, spiritual, or. . .?
And yet, it’s my website, my blog. You’re here because something I’ve said–today, or in the past–has resonated with you. You may be a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, a fan, or a random googler.
How do I encourage you to stay? To wander my site? To interact with me? To come back?
If it’s all about you, who are you?
I spent four days in Dallas last week attending a writing conference. Michael Hyatt‘s keynote speech was about platform. Or, you could say, about his recent book Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. Several of my workshops were about marketing, building a fan base, and writing newsletters. I had three 15-minute appointments with social media and marketing experts.
What did I learn? It’s not about me. It’s about finding the niche–the platform–from which I can make a difference in the world as a fiction author. It’s about realizing that God doesn’t need me, but He wants me. It’s not that He can’t touch lives any other way. He certainly can, but He wants to share the experience with me. With you.
That’s kind of cool, don’t you think?
I’ve got a lot to process from the conference as well as from the book, Platform.
The ‘tribe’ I’m trying to find consists primarily of those who love real food, who care about the Earth, who love to read, and who are Christians.
If that (mostly) describes you, what would you like to find here? How can we help each other? What conversations would you like to have?
Great stuff, there, Valerie. It’s funny how a little perspective shift changes the goal, the focus. Hyatt’s book sounds like a must read. Bless you!
Thank you so much, Gwen! Yes, a little perspective change–or a large one, sometimes!
I have Michael’s book and it’s spot on! Building a platform of people interested in the same things we are, including issues in our books, is paramount to success. Thanks for the reminder, Valerie.
Thanks, Carole. Sometimes finding those people is tricky, though!