If you Google “food quiz” you will get a zillion hits. Here are some from DK Quiz, labeled from easy to hard. My favorite on this site is What’s in Season.
Interested in sustainable food models? This excellent quiz from National Geographic tests your knowledge.
This is a similar, more general sustainable food quiz.
This one asks questions about organic food.
This quiz by Food Day is difficult because it asks for weekly food consumption instead of daily. And I know that some of my answers aren’t currently popular in that I am more concerned about fake ingredients than I am about natural fats or calories.
Planet Green asks: Are you an eco-friendly eater?
Test your knowledge of Fair Food here.
So, which of these quizzes pulled you over to test your knowledge, and how did you do? I scored from 50% to 90%, so obviously I have some studying to do!
I clicked on the first one, think I must not do any more I’ll easily sit here the whole day instead of going and making some healthy food.
You are right those things are fake and that is what it should be named. Not all these often unpronounceable newly developed words.
Yeah, fake foods that claim to be low-calorie or low-fat or whatever still aren’t actually food.
I like the what’s in season quiz. I used to have soemthing on my blog that told me what was in season in my area. Took that off for some reason.
Like you I cook without ‘science’ foods when I can.
That sounds like a fun widget or plug-in or whatever! If you find one again, let me know.
If I run across it I’ll let you know.