In 1860, 18-year-old Prince Albert Edward, son of Queen Victoria and heir to the throne, toured British North America, including a brief stop on Prince Edward Island. The royal visit only lasted 48 hours, but required a lot of planning to run smoothly. All of that is historical fact. From there, the author brings fictional characters onstage in Peter Stark, a young steward sent ahead to Charlottetown to prepare the way for the Prince of Wales, and Molly Orland, a local farmer’s daughter who gains temporary employment at Government House.
Molly is a beautiful young woman who wouldn’t normally be in a servant’s position, save for the family’s dire need after her father broke his leg in a farm accident. Her main duty is housekeeping and this is where Peter first sees her. They’re immediately interested in one another, but Peter is only on the island temporarily, and Molly is certain he’s above her station in life.
But there’s more to the tale. Molly’s grandfather is determined to speak with Peter’s employer, the Earl of Washburn, about a historical family matter. The Earl is equally determined to avoid the old man. Peter and Molly get caught in the middle when the ‘family matter’ comes to light, threatening the fragile trust they’ve begun to establish.
Love Finds You in Prince Edward Island, Canada is the first book in the series to be set outside the United States. As a Canadian, I enjoyed this glimpse into my country’s history. Though the novel started out slow and with many characters to keep straight, I was soon drawn into Molly and Peter’s story.
Susan Page Davis writes romantic suspense, historical romance, and mystery. She is a Maine native now living in Kentucky, and a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers. Susan homeschooled her six children, and now enjoys her grandchildren. She’s always loved reading, history, genealogy, and horses, and has even taken a farrier course.
I received a copy of this novel for the purposes of review, though opinions are mine alone. If you’re interested in reading an interview with Susan Page Davis or putting your name in the draw for a copy of the book, check out today’s post at International Christian Fiction Writers blog.