Real Life, that is. I’ve been sort of back for a couple of days, but it’s taken me that long to get caught up at work and in the online world. Also, these were Jim’s first two days at his new job. Tomorrow he starts his first twelve hour night shift. I don’t think that will be a huge problem for him as he is rather a night owl anyway. He’s more flexible than I am in that department. So far it has all been orientation. He wound up sleeping in the cab of the truck the first night (extended cab, so it could have been worse) because he had to take all his tools to the jobsite and they took up the entire back of the truck. Last night he could stretch out in the back on some foamies (under the canopy). But tomorrow he will take the camper back with him, and be living in high style. He’ll haul some bales for me before he goes to simplify my feeding time at the zoo.
This evening my sister-in-law’s father-in-law died of cancer. The last few weeks have been pretty stressful for that side of the family, and I guess it will remain that way a bit longer. He was ready to go. He was a Christian and prepared to meet his Maker. But in a way, one is NEVER really ready to go, I don’t think. Jim’s grandmother is also in hospital (not locally) and suffering a variety of things; they’re not sure how long she will last. She’s 94.
Okay, enough of that for now. Our trip went well. It is a very long trip to Victoria, and we definitely required our stretch breaks. When we got to the ferry landing in Vancouver, we saw a pod of killer whales in the harbor. That was very cool and from what I gathered from the folks around us, not that common. Or not common that close in. I have lousy eyes and could see them clearly, so I was Very Impressed. The first day we were there, both kids had to work. Our daughter Hanna had caught the bus from where she lives to ride down with us (she was on the road 24 hours total), so she and her parents had a good time roaming downtown Victoria along the harbor. She is an artist, and was really inspired by all the artists, musicians, and street performers along the inner harbor. And it WAS very cool. That evening we went to Beacon Hill Park along the ocean for a walk.
Hanna admiring art along the harborfront.
The second day Joel had off, so he and his dad and one of Joel’s friends and HIS dad went for a hike. So Hanna and I spent the day at the harbor again 🙂 and she took me to a tapas bar for lunch. In the evening we rented a movie.
Monday Jen begged off work, even though they were short-staffed. Her boss could hardly believe she actually WANTED to spend time with her in-laws! Such a phenomena needed rewarding with a day off. The five of us did Chinatown in the morning (as you see in the other entry) then drove west of the city to French Creek Park along Juan de Fuca Strait and played in the tidal pools.
Hanna, Jim, Jen, and Joel admiring the tide pool.
south towards Washington state
It was awesome, and our city kids (whose car is uninsured as they bus everywhere) were very glad to get out in some God-made surroundings again after months of man-made city life. That evening Jim and I visited friends we hadn’t seen in like 14 years while our kids did their own thing.
Bright and early Tuesday we headed home, arriving about 9:30 pm. Another very long day, followed by the mad scramble to get Jim out the door for his first day at his new job. That brings the blog full circle back to the top! It’s going to take us a few rounds to know what he really needs to take with him, what he’ll have the energy to cook after a twelve hour shift, etc. That is going to definitely take up some of my time for awhile.
I’m looking forward to getting back into my novel on Monday. WooHoo 🙂
Val-those are beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing them. It looks like you had a fantastic time. But I’m still glad you’re back.