In honor of Valentine’s Day, I looked through some of my novels to look for a romantic scene. When I came across this one from my women’s fiction novel, Connect the Dot, I thought it would be fun to share it with you. I think all you need to know is that Dottie is working as a grocery store cashier and that her unlamented husband’s estate has been recently settled, though he died several years previously.
I smile and nod and scan items and ask “How are you today?” and call for a bagger a thousand times. I glance at the clock. It is nearly three. I can’t remember when time last flew this fast.
“Dorothea!” a deep male voice purrs.
Startled, I glance up. Everyone calls me Dottie except…right. Curt’s lawyer. “Good day, Mr. Campbell.”
“You’re looking well, Dorothea.”
I can’t imagine how he speaks so clearly with a smile that spreads from ear to ear. He’s classically tall, dark and handsome with a great nose. He’s always made me uncomfortable, partly because of his friendship with Curt, partly because of the will, and partly because he looks like a movie star. I scan his groceries and wish he had less of them.
He leans closer. “Are you busy Saturday evening?”
I forget to scan as I stare at him in shock.
His beaming smile gleams very white and I remember that I just ran through a box of dental white strips. Apparently they work.
“I’d like to take you out for dinner, Dorothea. May I pick you up at six?”
I swallow hard, my mind racing. “Um, Mr. Campbell. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
“Please call me Gerald. And why wouldn’t it be?”
I scan the next few items without paying much attention while I try to figure out what to say. I hardly know this man. He was a friend of Curt’s. I remind myself that doesn’t automatically make him evil. Could he possibly have found me attractive all these years and just waited until I was free of Curt’s will?
The last item is a bouquet of spring flowers. I concentrate on wrapping them, aware that he watches my every move, waiting.
I ring through his credit card and would like to wish him a nice day like every other customer. Still he stands there and no one is behind him.
“Dorothea?” he says, knowing I will have to look at him now.
But the flowers are between us. I automatically pass them to him and meet his gaze. He presses them back into my hands and smiles. “For you. I’ll see you Saturday.”
I’ll leave it to you to decide if she was wise to accept this date or not!
I still like the scene but will not say anything as I know the answer :).
Hey come on. He might be redeemable. 🙂