The Garden Grown Romance series is Valerie Comer’s contribution to the multi-author Arcadia Valley Romance series, all set in the fictional town of Arcadia Valley in south-central Idaho, where a foodie culture and romance grow hand-in-hand. In this sub-series, Grace Fellowship repurposes a pair of derelict greenhouses and their attached lot, while providing a setting for romance!
Garden Grown Romances Complete Collection
Welcome to Arcadia Valley in south-central Idaho, where a foodie culture and romance grow hand-in-hand. This volume contains the complete collection of Valerie Comer's contribution to the multi-author series.
More info →Sown in Love
A real estate consultant charged with repurposing two abandoned greenhouses bumps heads — and hearts — with a garden center owner.
More info →Sprouts of Love
An overzealous community garden manager delivers more than the food bank manager can handle. Can love sprout amid the tsunami of vegetables?
More info →Rooted in Love
A divorcé with a set of rambunctious twins falls for the boys’ daycare administrator, but does he deserve another chance at love?
More info →Harvest of Love
She runs a bookstore. Reading isn't really his thing… but will he lose her if he admits the reason why?
More info →