You know when you find an elusive ingredient that keeps well and then you buy kind of a lot and forget you have it until you think you’d like that cupboard space back and why do you never use this …
Sneaky Brown Rice Pudding with Cranberries — THM E
My mom used to make rice pudding, and it was always a favorite! But I found that it was easy enough to substitute brown rice for white rice, egg whites for whole eggs, a THM-approved sweetener for …
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Corn Chowder — THM E
Corn is one of those foods we’ve traditionally treated as vegetables that really aren’t! I know in my house growing up (and in our house when the kids were young), corn, peas, carrots, and green beans …
Recipe: Tuna Salad — THM FP (with E option)
Tuna salad for sandwiches! You'd think this was so simple no recipe was required. You might be right... or you might want a few tips on making sure it fits well into a Trim Healthy Mama FP (fuel pull) …
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Recipe: Moroccan Medley – a THM E main dish
Have you ever tried a recipe because the flavor combinations sounded so strange you simply had to? Yep, that was me a good many years ago when I first came across this recipe in a low-fat vegetarian …
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Recipe: Chicken Meatloaf – THM FP
For starters, let's get this out of the way: this meatloaf is not the same thing as one made with ground beef! It's creamy white and needs a bit more added flavor to be satisfactory. Then... why do …