There have been times I thought this day would never come. And yes, I'm aware that many of my readers are very sad to see the final volume of the Urban Farm Fresh Romance series. As a writer? I'm …
Ginormous Sale!
Did you know that the twelfth Urban Farm Fresh Romance releases tomorrow? (So, if you're subscribed to this blog, there's two posts this week, fair warning!) But I didn't want the fanfare for the …
Introducing… Joys of Juniper
It's springtime in Bridgeview as we head into the eleventh story in the series! As I sat back and considered the aspects of local food already highlighted in the Urban Farm Fresh Romance series, I …
Get Started Reading the Urban Farm Fresh Romance Series!
Looking for a good time to jump into the Urban Farm Fresh Romance series? Maybe it's NOW! To celebrate the release of Joys of Juniper, the eleventh book in the series, on April 13, the first TWO …
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Introducing… Cadence of Cranberries!
Welcome back to Bridgeview!This is the first time we’ve visited in the Christmas season, although a couple of previous titles in the series waltzed through winter with a brief mention of it! This is …
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Introducing… Lavished with Lavender!
Welcome back to Bridgeview! Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking back in 2016 when I set out to write a twelve-book romance series! Because my brain works best with alternating series, most years …
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